5 Questions to ask before joining a CrossFit gym

5 Questions to ask before joining a CrossFit gym

At Cultivar Health, we understand that joining a CrossFit gym is perhaps the most daunting fitness pursuit that any prospective gym goer can choose, let alone someone who is already battling injuries or chronic disease. Despite this, CrossFit is also the fitness regime of choice to over four million participants worldwide1. So, you’re looking to join, but how do you choose the right CrossFit gym for your personal needs?

Is there an individualised assessment of my health?

CrossFit involves complex gymnastics movements, Olympic weightlifting and cardiovascular intensity; this sounds high level, but the beauty of CrossFit is that every single movement can be modified to suit the individual. The gym you choose should offer an initial assessment which covers any health issues and concerns you have and provides you with individual goals. At Cultivar Health, you get to try CrossFit for free either in a group setting or in a personal assessment – the choice is yours.

Can I trust the coaches and their experience?

The most important aspect to a coach is whether they care. If they care about your health journey, they will care for you. If they care, you can trust that they will offer you the best health and fitness service.
All the qualifications, theory sessions and certificates cannot replace “on the floor” experience. Has your coach had experience dealing with a variety of health issues, cultures, languages, injuries and personalities? The two coaches at Cultivar Health have over 10 years CrossFit coaching experience between them, across three countries.

Is the community accepting of my current health and fitness levels?

CrossFit has captured the most addictive quality in group training; the community. A supportive community will push you further than any coach or style of training can. Make sure you find one that feels like home, where there is no judgement and you can progress in a way that makes you comfortable, despite any injuries or illnesses you present with.

Is there room for me to grow?

CrossFit, at its highest level, is an effective training regime for the fittest men and women on earth. However, it is able to be modified for children, grandparents and special needs athletes alike.
The gym you choose should allow you to start comfortably as a beginner and progress to a competitor if you wish. At Cultivar Health, each daily workout has set modifications for those ranging from their very first fitness session, to those with injuries and illnesses, to our “RX” standard.

Does it provide you with assistance all five factors of health?

There are five factors which contribute to a person’s health: exercise, nutrition, sleep, mindset and relationships. Does your CrossFit gym assist you to progress in more than just your exercise?
At Cultivar Health, everything we do is based around our five pillars of health. You will see it written on the wall as you walk in, you will hear the coaches talk about it constantly and you will see the memberships live it every day. Choose a gym that offers your more than just a place to exercise. Click here to book in for a free trial at Cultivar Health

1 How a health nut created the world’s biggest fitness trend (CNBC.com), Christine Wang, 5 April 2016

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