Combat Age Related Weight Gain

Combat Age Related Weight Gain

Do you feel like you are gaining weight each year but you cannot figure out why? You are not alone.

Once we hit the age of 30, our muscle mass begins to decline – an average of 3-8% every 10 years!

Why is my muscle mass relevant to my weight gain?

Muscle loss = less calories burned = weight gain

Muscle burns calories at a faster rate than fat burns calories. Therefore, the decrease in muscle mass after 30 in your body can cause you to burn less calories, even though you are simply doing what you have always done.

Without making any changes, this could contribute to an average gain of 1kg per year every year as you get older.

That can equate to a 10kg weight gain in 10 years, even though you are training and eating the same as you did as a 25 year old (maybe not quite the same.. hangovers hurt a lot more after 30 as well!)

Ok, now that we are sufficiently depressed, what is one thing we can we do to prevent or delay this process?

Exercise which promotes muscle building. Particularly, strength training.

How is CrossFit training relevant?

CrossFit training is made up of Olympic weightlifting, power lifting, gymnastics, bodyweight movements, and cardio.

CrossFit does not just focus on the most common component of fitness (cardiovascular fitness e.g. circuit training, metcon and running), but on all ten components including strength, power and speed.

Strength training is critical in the preservation of your bone health, maintaining muscle mass and for your immune system – elements we don’t consider as 25 year olds!

So whether you are 30, 60, or still 25, consider the long term implications of your choice of fitness and whether it can continue keeping you fit, healthy and strong well into retirement.

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