Top 3 Diets That Do Not Work

Top 3 Diets That Do Not Work

Actually, it’s all of them. All “diets” do not work UNLESS they are sustainable long term.

Does Jenny’s story resonate with you?

“Jenny” had battled ups and downs in her weight for years. There were good times, but then there were the “other times”.

A six-week low carb/low sugar challenge came up at her gym, and she was currently experiencing one of those “other times” with her weight and decided she wanted to take control.

She signed up, cut carbs, alcohol, sugar and fun for six weeks. It was so easy because she felt so motivated after coming out of COVID isolation.

She prepped her food each Sunday and put a ban on herself on eating out – it was only six weeks, so she knew she could manage it. She also only had to make 42 days without alcohol! That was doable if she checked it off on a count down calendar on her wall.

She successfully hit her goal of losing six kilograms in six weeks. This was now a “good time”.

At the end of the challenge was a group celebration! First time back drinking and feeling free, Jenny let herself relax for the weekend.

Fast forward two weeks and Jenny had added back two kilograms.

Then another two.

Then another two.

In the same amount of time it took to lose the weight, Jenny had added it back and feels like she is back to square one.

Which diet is this?

All of them.

What went wrong?

Setting an end date on a diet is not useful. Where do you go from there? What are you meant to eat when you’ve hit your target weight? What about socialising and busy days at work? Wouldn’t it be easier if you could make food work into your life, and not make your diet dictate your life?

By the time people come to us for nutrition coaching, they have tried on average 7-8 diets. Not only has their body had to go through the ups and downs of weight loss and gain, but they have also had to ride this emotional roller coaster. It takes its toll.

Okay, I am done with diets – what is nutrition coaching?

We will set you up with life long habits that fit into your life AND achieve your goals. There is no end date in mind because nutrition is not supposed to be so complicated and so overwhelming, and you have to eat food for the rest of your life so it needs to be simple!

Your food is supposed to fuel your life, not take away from it.

And best of all – you do not need to do this alone.

Your coach is with you for every step of the way, and your plan is completely individualised.

For example, do you always have a work lunch at the same restaurant with the team each week? That’s fine, your coach can look at the menu for you and work out a great option to fit in to your day.

What are realistic expectations when it comes to weight loss or gain?

An important part of being your coach is to be realistic with you given your experiences. Everybody is different so it is crucial to talk about your lifestyle and set a plan in place from there. This will help us set realistic and achievable changes long term with your health as the priority.

Want to find out more?

You can meet with one of our nutrition coaches for a free one-on-one consultation. Click the button below to book a time.

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